Meet effectively under the right conditions

Meetings in Zevenbergen


at Hotel de Borgh in Zevenbergen

Meeting at Hotel de Borgh ensures that you can fully focus on the meeting. We understand that effective working is only possible under the right circumstances. We are happy to take care of everything around it. Before the meeting, every detail will be discussed with you from A to Z.

After the meeting, you are welcome to have a drink in our city café and have an atmospheric dinner in Restaurant de Borgh to complete the day. Multi-day meetings are also possible. Spend the night at Hotel de Borgh and start the next day fully rested with the next meeting.

Meeting packages

always include:

  • meeting room with beamer
  • flip chart, markers and WiFi
  • coffee, tea and ice water
  • candy bars
  • something sweet with coffee
  • excellent lunch

Prices depend on the number of people you are with and how long the meeting lasts.

Meet in de Skybar

Setup & capacity
of the meeting rooms

Totaal M2 Klas Theater Carré U-vorm Banquet Receptie
Zaal 1 (Bos) 80 36 50 28 21 40 -
Zaal 2 (Zee) 80 36 50 28 21 40 -
Zaal 3 (Hei) 50 16 36 20 17 24 -
Theaterzaal 275 60 200 - 40 100 400

More information?


Fill in your wishes here and we will send you our proposal. 

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